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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to Prepare For Casting Call Auditions

Casting call auditions attract huge crowds. This means that one must prepare efficiently in order to impress casting directors. Preparing well for the event allows you to present yourself in a way that directors expect of future actors and actresses. Since it is an opportunity for you to prove your ability to play a particular role, thorough preparation is very essential. Note that entertainment industry is very competitive. Therefore, a person who goes an extra mile to discover what is expected of him or her stands better chances of getting an opportunity to play a particular role in a show or a program.


Confidence is one of the key factors that you should always keep in mind when attending an audition. This is because reality shows and TV programs are in most cases business in nature. Casting directors therefore look for individuals who can play particular roles confidently. For this reason, practice and build your confidence prior to the event. Go an extra mile and discover what is expected of a particular character in an audition and work on your confidence. Practice in front of a mirror and perform before your friends or family to build your confidence.

Research on the Production Company

Different companies have different criterions when choosing actors for particular shows and programs. For this reason, it is very important to carry out your research efficiently on a production company as well as producers. It is wise and imperative to learn of the casting call auditions show and type of projects that a company has handled in the past. This is because casting directors can throw any question on their past projects. If you are not prepared efficiently, it is easy to provide wrong answers and it locks you out of the auditions.

Dress for the Occasion

Dress code is very important when preparing for auditions. Your dress code can create a positive or a negative impression in the minds of casting directors. Therefore, choose your costumes wisely for the event and dress your best for the character you are auditioning for. It is very essential to talk to industry experts and learn more from resource books as well as the internet on entertainment lingo. Note that different roles require a specific dress code and for your casting call to be successful, you must dress for the event whether it is nice casual, business or casual. Have your resume in place and copies of your headshots because casting directors may ask for them. Last but not least, prepare and plan for your auditions efficiently.

Preparing well for casting call auditions can enhance your chances of getting a role in an upcoming show. Understand your role well in casting calls auditions and rest assured of the best possible results.

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