We're already in the second month of a brand new year. Can you believe it? The first few months of a new year are always seen as the time to set goals and create resolutions. However... I propose something a bit different to start this year.
Over the holiday I was with my family and raised my glass to toast my being cancer free for three years. My aunt turned to me and said "Oh my gosh, I completely forgot that you had breast cancer." She really did. She commented on my positive outlook on life and said it had completely slipped her mind that I had gone through that. She didn't identify me with cancer.
At first I was mad. How could she forget such a horrible circumstance in my life? How could such a life-changing event be forgotten? But in that same moment I also thought, "Well, does it really define me anyway?"
Identity. Self-definition. At our core who are we?
In the beginning of December I took an audition class with Caryn West. (One word about Caryn: BRILLIANT!) She said, in acting we need to use both our left brain and our right brain. All the business stuff, the marketing, branding and script analysis uses our left brain, the analytical thinking part of ourselves. In the audition room, rehearsing or performing we need the right brain, our creative center. The left brain doesn't function well in the audition room and the right brain resists doing those mailings.
We're doing ourselves a disservice if we bring our left-brain in the audition. That's the time where you need to show them your soul, your passion, who you are at your core. The left brain can't do that. The ability to switch between these two parts of yourself is key.
Once you set your goals, plan your projects and tasks, develop and define your Brand, create your marketing and sales strategies - you need to let it all go a bit. Let the left-brain go. And live. Live presently in the audition room, be present in the moment, conscious of the world of opportunities coming your way everyday. No second-guessing, doubting or feeling self conscious about your choices. Let the right brain ground you. Have faith that you've done the work.
That faith will come if you understand who you are. Your identity.
As we all move forward and jump wholeheartedly into a new year, I think it's also important to take a step back. Step back and rediscover once again who you are, what you want and where you're going. This year for all of us is The Year of Rediscovery.
My personal struggle is about constantly living in the left brain. I teach and coach and analyze branding and business everyday. I'm a do-er. I'm always on the go. It has become harder to switch to the right brain for my own auditions, personal life and relaxation time. To breathe and not do anything and know I am enough just as I am. That's my rediscovery this year. I also want to rediscover my relationship with my cancer. How much does that define me? I want to rediscover my friendships, my relationship to this business, my family. How do I define those?
Take the time in 2012 to rediscover you. If you start with your core of who you are, I know the rest of the year will fall into place. You will be coming from a place that matters most.
Instead of just setting goals, ask yourself:
What defines me? What is my passion? Why did I pursue the goal I did last year? What is my must? What are my strengths as a person and an artist? What is my relationship with the business? With the world?Let's rediscover together. Let's look inward. Let's once again tap into what makes you, you and me, me. Life should be a journey, an exploration. Let's continue to learn from our past as we move forward. Let's continue to be fulfilled by our own identity.
I'm proud to say that I am an actor, a business owner, a wife, a breast cancer survivor, a dog owner, a friend, a coach, a confidante, a student, an achiever and an empath. All of that is who I am. All of that is part of my brand. All of that helps define me.
Now go rediscover you.
The Savvy Actor mission is to empower actors to think like small business owners by creating and implementing an effective business plan, branding their unique product, and developing marketing strategies that get them noticed and in the door; ultimately merging career and life into one of abundance and success!
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