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Showing posts with label Model. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Model. Show all posts

Friday, April 6, 2012

What Does It Take to Be a Fashion Model?

One of the only ways you can become a model when you are not tall and slender is by being famous. Models are required to be young and anyone hoping to join the industry should do so when they are in their teens. A 25-year-old model is considered to be old, though there are some who pass as models.

Most models are recruited by scouts who are constantly searching for new faces. Many models have been discovered in clubs, shopping malls, and other areas where young people frequent. Since no one knows where the modeling scouts will be at any given time, it is difficult to say the best places to hang out. A young person who fits the physical requirements is likely to be noticed at one time or another. Anyone who feels they meet the requirements can also send pictures or go to a modeling agency. There are a number of agencies in the country and it is important to make sure the agency visited is reputable.

When sending photographs to an agency, it is better to send simple photos that show you as you really are, than to try and create an expensive portfolio. The agencies prefer to see the models in their 'raw form', or natural face, so that they can see what they have to work with. Another way to become a model is by going for open castings. A number of agencies have castings a couple of times a year and this is a great place to get noticed.

There have been a few cases where model conventions and schools have produced some results. It is generally believed, however, that this is usually a waste of time and money. A number of those who attend the schools have no chance of becoming models. The schools will enroll anyone because they are, after all, getting paid. No one should have to pay anything to get access to a reputable agency.

Before you say 'I want to be a fashion model', you should know that the first few years are going to be very difficult. You need to persevere and have strong character and ambition to make it in the industry. It can take a long time before you start getting regular bookings. You may also be required to work away from home which can really be stressful especially for young models. This is a business that attracts many characters, and most of them are out to take advantage of the young vulnerable models.

We provide the best info about I want to be a glamour model and I want to be a fashion model. For further details please visit the provided links.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Model Casting Calls for Americas Next Top Model

Many girls feel that they have what it takes to become a model or even aspire to become Americas Next Top Model. There is no reason to hesitate if you feel you can be the model they need and the casting team advertise online for the model casting calls in the different cities. Models need to apply with their name, age, weight, height, contact information and three photos.

There are however eligibility requirements to be met before proceeding with applications.

1. A model who has applied for previous cycles are allowed to submit a new application.

2. There are no nationwide open modelling casting calls as producers can schedule them, find candidates another way. Models are allowed to submit videotape submissions and also realize when selected for semi-finals and travelling is involved that it will be at the models cost. Exact interview dates may be changed according to producer's discretion even for final selection processes. Producers will pay for a roundtrip and hotel accommodation during the final selection process.

3. Selected models must live in a chosen house determined by producers with fourteen other girls for close to two months.

4. A finalist must be a current U.S. citizen and make their own arrangements with family and current employers for the duration of the competition.

5. There is no privacy in the house, which participants must accept as the house is fitted with extensive audio and video devices, which record and broadcast all actions at all times. Participants are observed around the clock by producers and general public.

6. The model of the series receives the grand prize, which will include modelling contracts.

7. Application age is 18 to 27 females.

8. All applicants must be five feet seven inches or above in height.

9. Although it is reserved for United States citizens who live in the United States, producer has the right to make an exception.

10. Producers prefer candidates with a minimum of two years' experience, but also reserve the right to make exceptions in this regard. Models must have proven that if they are presently employed or under contract they will be relieved of the contract should they be the winning model.

11. Excellent mental and physical health required and understanding that you are required to pose, videotaped and photographed, clothed, partially clothed and naked.

12. Producers have the right to investigate all participants' background and conduct criminal, civil, driver-history, financial and other checks they deem necessary.

13. Strict restrictions involve the required videotape which must be sent in by applicants as they stipulated a video recording of only 3 minutes by applicants and anything over 3 minutes are not accepted. The video must include a model's best runway walk and also tell producers why they should be chosen as next top model. No music is allowed on the tape.

14. On the Top Model Web site is the full address for applicants, but producers will not verify whether they received an application or not.

These top points are some of the most important for model casting calls and models should take note that if they can adhere to these requirements they will be able to apply to almost all modelling casting calls as they will be less stringent than American Next Top Model.

berita unik

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pekerjakan Model 30 Jam, Marc Jacobs Tak Mau Bayar?

Jakarta - Marc Jacobs sedang ditimpa kabar yang kurang enak. Desainer ternama tersebut dituduh telah mempekerjakan model selama 30 jam tanpa dibayar. Benarkah itu?

Sebuah tuduhan dilayangkan oleh salah satu model yang pernah bekerja untuk Marc Jacobs. Model yang bernama Hailey Hasbrook itu mengungkapkan bahwa ia tidak dibayar setelah bekerja selama lebih dari 30 jam untuk pagelaran busana New York Fashion Week.

"Suatu malam saya bekerja untuk Marc Jacobs dari pukul 6 sore sampai 2 pagi, dan pada hari selanjutnya saya berada di sana lagi hingga pukul 4.30 pagi. Kemudian saya bekerja untuk label Theyskens' Theory pada pukul 8 pagi," ujar Hailey keada WWD.

Hailey juga menjelaskan bahwa ia harus kembali melakukan fitting busana bersama Marc Jacobs, sehingga menyebabkan ia harus melewatkan janji dengan beberapa brand mode eksklusif lainnya.

"Saya mendapat kabar dari agensi model saya yang mengatakan bahwa Marc ingin saya kembali lagi untuk melakukan beberapa pekerjaan. Mereka mengatakan pada saya untuk melakukannya, tetapi saya harus beristirahat karena ada peragaan busana di pagi hari. Mereka mengatakan saya tidak boleh lama-lama berada di sana, hingga pukul 10.30," jelas Hailey lagi, dalam blog Tumbler miliknya.

Namun pada kenyataanya, Hailey tidak bisa meminta izin untuk pulang dan beristirahat. Ia pun terus melakukan fitting busana hingga 4.30 pagi, keesokan harinya. Tetapi yang lebih mengejutkannya lagi, Hailey tidak dibayar dengan upah yang seharusnya. Ia hanya mendapatkan baju serta aksesori gratis dari desainer asal Amerika itu.

Akhirnya, Hailey pun merasa stres dan memutuskan untuk tidak lagi bekerja untuk label Marc Jacobs dan lini keduanya, Marc by Marc Jacobs. Menanggapi hal tersebut, desainer berusia 48 tahun itu mengeluarkan penyataan melalui akun Twitternya.

"Jika mereka tak mau bekerja dengan kami, ya tidak usah," tulis Marc Jacobs.


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