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Monday, April 2, 2012

What Is the Endometriosis Diet and Is It Really Going to Help You Feel Better With Endometriosis?

When I first read the restrictions of the Endometriosis Diet, I really didn't think I could possibly stick to it. It seemed impossible and even unrealistic at the time. Thing is, my Endometriosis pain was not getting any better with my current diet and to be honest, I needed something to change.

I had another look at the diet and broke-down the basics of what it should include and exclude.

So, the inclusions should be:

Heaps of good fats like Omega 3Heaps of berries, fruits and vegetables (especially greens)Use Exra Virgin Olive oil and Coconut Oil

Here's the tricky part......I was to exclude a whole bunch too!

Here are the exclusions:

Dairy - Goats and Sheep products are okayMeatSugarGlutenPreservatives, pesticides and fungicidesNo processed oils

So, to me this looked like there was not much left that I could actually eat! No cereal for breakfast! No toast for lunch! What do I put in my tea?

As I explored it all a little further, I discovered the reason WHY, I needed to cut them out.  To me, I struggled to do anything unless someone gave me a real reason to do it. It was no good saying: cut this out and don't eat this because it is bad for your Endometriosis. This was just not enough motivation for me to cut all of these delicious things out of my life!

So, here is what I discovered:

1. Inflammation

Endometriosis is essentially an inflammatory condition. Our bodies are prone to inflammation. We are likely to have a swollen abdomen, bloating and suffer from other inflammatory conditions like bowel problems and interstitial cystitis. Dairy, Meat and Gluten are inflammatory in their nature. They encourage the hormone like substances called prostaglandins 2's, which stimulate inflammation, clotting and pain. (Don't worry there are two other prostaglandins which do the opposite!)

This is also the reason we want to include heaps of Omega 3 into our diet. Omega 3 encourages the Prostaglandin 1 & 3, which reduce inflammation and pain. - definitely want to encourage those ones!

2. Immune system

Our immune system is low. This is a well known fact about Endometriosis. We want to build the immune system with good foods, highly nutritious foods and as much raw food as we can, to get live enzymes into the body! Sugar reduces our immune system within minutes and one teaspoon of it, will reduce it for hours! So, using a better alternative to sugar, like Stevia is much better for us.

Our immune system is also boosted by a good digestive system and a good diet with heaps of fruits and veggies will encourage that.

3. Gluten intolerance and Endometriosis

Gluten intolerance is directly linked to much of the pain we have with Endometriosis. Gluten intolerance causes all sorts of problems. It can be the reason you suffer from low iron levels (makes you more tired!) and various other mineral deficiencies. Gluten will also cause headaches, bloating and poor digestion.

4. Endometriosis and Dioxin, Xenoestrogens

Endometriosis is directly linked to dioxin, which is a toxin found in our environment. It may even be within some of our foods. Toxins of any description are bad for Endometriosis - at that includes hair dyes and soaps! They play havoc with our endocrine system. - the hormone stuff. So, if you have endo, chances are you also have Oestrogen Dominance. All these substances in our environment and in processed foods contain them. Research some of the ingredients you eat each day and you will be amazed!

5. Processed oils

Basically, the process of extracting many of the oils we eat, is through heat. This process changes the molecular structure of the oil. This new shape, doesn't fit into our cells. They land up affecting our cell structure and giving our liver more toxins to process.

Use only Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Coconut Oil for cooking.

So, the Endometriosis Diet has its merits and there is now enough reason to stick to it. For me, it has been over a year of sticking to it! I have had the odd bit of meat here and there but no dairy, sugar or gluten. The results have been amazing. I felt the change within a few months! I no longer have pain in my abdomen on a permanent basis!

Don't believe for a minute that what you eat doesn't make a difference.....cos it does!

My advice is all through my personal experience with Endometriosis. I want to help as many woman as I can who suffer from this debilitating condition. Everything I have learnt and discovered is through personal experience. You can read my full story and more articles on my blog site: http://www.cureendometriosis.com/

berita unik